Swiss Days of Statistics 2023, Aug. 30 to Sept. 1

by | 21 Aug 2023 | Economy

Swiss Days of Statistics 2023 – Without data, no statistics, no research, no economy!


The Swiss Statistics Days (GSS) will be held Aug. 30-Sept. 1 at the University of Basel. This year they will focus on data. In addition to benefiting statistics, they are equally essential to society, science and the economy. For this reason, they must be reliable and able to be used sustainably. The focus of discussions in this edition of the GSS will be on new data sources and modern analysis methods that enable the full potential of data to be exploited.

In line with the needs of society, the work of statisticians is enriched from time to time with new data sources, such as in the areas of the economy (first economic estimates from satellite data) or equality (gender, disability) or in the context of various democratic processes such as elections.

Technological developments and artificial intelligence (AI) enable its full potential to be exploited, particularly through new methods of analysis.


Transparency and trust

The latest developments in this area involve multiple use of data, which is only possible through interoperability. Today, it is essential to use not only coordinated data management, but also well-structured and efficient surveys so as not to unnecessarily overburden those involved.

In this context, access to data raises fundamental questions about data ethics, protection, and security. To maintain public confidence in the state, science and the economy, it is essential to treat data in a completely transparent way. To this end, modern methods assume a key role in exploiting the full potential of data. Therefore, these are the themes on which the GSS will focus.


Eighteen workshops on topical issues

Events offered to the public over three days include three workshops and eighteen ateliers dedicated to topics such as AI, open government data, and data literacy. To discuss current events in the field of data management and use, several speakers will take turns. The program also includes presentations on several key concepts by experts in the field.

The event will kick off on Wednesday, August 30, with the opening speech by Beat Jans, president of the Basel-Stadt State Council. Federal Statistics Commission Chair Nadja Braun Binder will present current legal developments in the area of open government data as well as the overall legal framework in which the use of data fits.

The presentations will continue on Thursday, August 31, with a talk by Georges-Simon Ulrich, director of the FSO. With the emergence of new data spaces and increasing pressures from research for access to data, the director will question how public statistics can produce and use data in a democratic and legitimate way.


Data literacy

Also on Thursday 31, a talk by Katharina Schüller on data literacy is scheduled. A pioneer in the fields of data literacy and ethics, she has run a consulting firm specializing in data strategies for nearly 20 years. Katharina Schüller will talk about the loss of trust in politics, administration and the media, a possible result of the flood of data we are exposed to on a daily basis. In this context, he will emphasize the importance of data competence.

Finally, on Friday, September 1, the audience will have the opportunity to hear from Klaus Moosmayer, Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer as well as a member of the Novartis Executive Committee. The latter will discuss how AI is being used within his company to improve patient access, drug discovery or automation, among other things. It will also share the processes put in place by Novartis to ensure ethical and responsible use of AI.

Finally, Thomas Bernhard, athletic director of FC Basel 1983, will explain how to promote new recruits by improving their performance and avoiding injuries through data-driven training management.

The full program of the event can be viewed online at Swiss Statistics Days – Home (


Media are welcome

GSS provides a unique opportunity to meet with data and statistics specialists. The FSO encourages the media to attend this event; to do so, simply announce yourself to the FSO Press Service. We are waiting for you!

Swiss Statistics Days 2023 is organized by the Basel-Stadt Cantonal Statistical Office, the Swiss Statistical Society (SSS), the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) and the Swiss Conference of Regional Statistical Offices (CORSTAT).