Google boosts search results by integrating 6 pages into one

by | 3 Aug 2023 | Digital

MEM, a Web agency in Milan, informs about what Google announced about the expansion of the continuous scrolling system even while using the search engine from desktop.

Google, in fact, announced that it will be possible to display as many as 6 pages of searches on a single page, as it already does through mobile devices, through the system of continuous scrolling.

So once you get to the bottom of the first page of searches, the next ones will automatically load, until as many as 6 pages of results are displayed.

The continuous desktop scrolling system, already in use in the United States through searches that are conducted in English, will be gradually extended to other countries, including Italy.


Why did Google introduce this system?

Certainly to simplify even more the process of the searches we continually use, but especially to also reward those websites that are usually found beyond the first page.

Google, in fact, believes that users do not explore the search engine beyond the first four pages.


What changes at the SEO level?

In technical and communication areas, nothing will change.

As always, it will be very important to work to ensure that one’s website increasingly increases its domain authority by constantly communicating useful information and quality content.