Does the website not appear on Google? Here are some reasons why

by | 4 Jan 2024 | Digital

Has your website been an investment but you don’t have the results you hope for? Have you done a search and it doesn’t appear in Google? You probably need an SEO consultant who can identify problems and solve them. But what are the reasons why a website does not appear on Google? We reveal some of them.


It is well known that Google crawls millions of websites every day. However, this does not mean that all websites are visible to users when they search for them.

In fact, nearly half of the sites indexed by Google are not visible to users due to various indexing errors.

Therefore, if you do not see your Web site when you search for it on Google, chances are you have fallen victim to one or more of these common errors.

Duplicate content

Duplicate content is one of the most common problems preventing a website from being indexed by Google.

When it comes to content, you have to make sure that each piece of content has a clear objective. Think about your topic and create a structure for your website around that topic.

If you have multiple pages covering the same topic, Google will consider them the same and use a combination of pages to rank your site.

If your site deals with one topic and you have a few pages that deal with it, but also pages that deal with completely different topics, you are fine.

If, however, pages are redundant, it is important to take action to avoid a duplicate content penalty. It doesn’t even need to be said that of course it is necessary for the content created to be original, that is, not copied from other websites!

Error codes

Another common error that can lead to a site not being indexed by Google is an incorrectly configured 404 error code. Normally, Google ignores 404 errors when crawling a website, but will index a site if the error is reported.

A misconfigured 404 error code can cause your Web site to be flagged as a broken link. Google will correctly index the broken link and you will lose potential visitors. The solution is to check the server configuration of your Web site.

For a site to be properly indexed by Google, the HTML code must be error-free. The most common page error is the 404 error, described above. In addition, broken links, missing content, and redirects leading to 404 error codes can also lead to the site not being indexed by Google.

Broken links and missing content cause a poor user experience and may cause visitors to leave the site without clicking on any links.

These are just a few examples, our advice is to seek the help of an SEO consultant to make sure you identify what the problems are with your portal and make sure it shows up in Google and the search engines.

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